Acupuncture for Healing
Acupuncture is a comprehensive system of health care using traditional Chinese medical theory and its unique methods of diagnosis and treatment. It is a safe and effective drug-free option for most non-emergent conditions listed by the World Health Organization.
Book an appointment with Aspen Acupuncture And Herbal Medicine today in Moorhead.
A Deeper Look Into Acupuncture
Acupuncture points are prescribed based on the pattern of imbalance determined by the practitioner. Treatment techniques include the insertion of extremely thin, stainless steel, one-time use acupuncture needles into precise points on the body. Biophysical methods of acupuncture point stimulation include the use of Moxibustion, Chinese medical massage techniques (Tui-na), and electrical stimulation. Other treatment modalities include herbal supplemental therapies, dietary guidelines, breathing techniques, and exercise based on traditional Chinese medicine principles.